Sunday, April 5, 2009


Life in the Moss household has been, well, a bit uneventful. I guess you could say that we are a bit boring. Right now the kids have been sick, flu, strep, you name it we had it this past week.  Winslow has been windy, and when I say windy, I mean WINDY!!! 60 to 90 MPH wind gusts. I feel like all I have been doing is dusting and sweeping. Along with inhaling way to much dust!!! It's such a nice day today that the kids and Cris are out for a bike ride, and enjoying the sun, and no wind, for it is suppose to be back tomorrow. 
Here are a few pictures I have taken lately.
My parents came for a weekend visit. It just happened to be my mom's birthday while here. She turned 29. ;)
When the wind wasn't blowing Cris washed the car with the help of Jocelyn and Cole.

I'm in a blog photography group. Every Wednesday and Saturday we are given one word. We then take a picture of what it means to us. We all vote for the best overall picture and the best take on the challenge. I took this picture for the word abstract and I won best take on challenge.

Kaden and Kennedy started baseball and softball this past week. It' so nice that they can get out and participate in sports. Kennedy came home from her first practice and still wanted to practice in the back yard with Cris. They played for another hour or so. They really enjoy the outdoors.
Kennedy just took her first piano lesson. She is so excited and keeps practicing. I'm not sure how much middle C I can handle. Hopefully she will stick to it and keep practicing. (I'll post a picture of her later.) 
I'm loving taking pictures for my photography class. I'm also enjoying photoshop and all the actions I've found for it. I need some new subjects though. If anyone wants to be my guinea pig please let me know. Family, kids, anything you want, I'll do it for ya.


Corie Green said...

NEW actions?!?! I can't wait for tuesday!!!!

Janet said...

Love your pictures LeAnn. I really need to get Photoshop.

{Alynn} said...

I hear ya about the wind... don't blow away!

Your little girl washing the car is too cute!

Corri Havlicek said...

That cake looks yummy! What kind is it?

thehaucks said...

I wish we were close enough to be your guinea pigs-- I love all your pictures!

The Brimhall's said...

I want that cake! I love the picture of Jocelyn. Congrats on winning the challenge in your class. Miss you

Susie and Josh said...

I would love for our family to be your guinea pigs. Just let me know when. Your pictures rock. Oh and I'd love to taste that cake! Yummy!