Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jocelyn Turns 5

Jocelyn turned 5 today. Here are a few pictures I took of her.

Jocelyn chose to go watch a movie, and eat at Olive Garden for her birthday. We meet up with Josh and Susie for lunch, then meet Crystal and Lance for the movie. We went to go see the new Tim Burton movie 9. We had good food, good friends, and a fun time!!!
This morning while getting her ready for the day, she said,
"Mom, I'm five now. Does that mean I get to go to kindergarten like my friends?"
It's so hard that she missed the deadline by a week, but I'm glad to have her home for another year. She's always so sweet to her brothers, and sister. And always eager to help us with anything. 
Jocelyn, mom and dad love you so much and hope that you had a good day. And don't worry Kindergarten is just around the corner. 
Love, Mom and Dad.


PerryParty3 said...

what adorable pictures! My favorite is the second to last one where it looks like she's laughing. Precious! Happy Birthday Jocelyn! You'll be the smartest and cutest by far in Kindergarten next year!

Jessica said...
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Jessica said...

She is such a cutie pie! In fact all of your kids are completely adorable.
I'm adding you to my blog list so I don't keep forgetting to check your blog!
BTW, I really like your pics!