Sunday, April 18, 2010

Daddy's Train

The BNSF Railway had a family day in where you could take your families to go look at a engine, and have lunch. Cris was at work, so I took the kids. This was my first big outing alone with all 5. It went pretty well, thanks to Kennedy, and Kaden being so helpful. The kids had alot of fun seeing where their daddy worked, and they thought it was pretty neat.
Cole sitting in the conductors seat.
Kaden and Jocelyn sitting in the Engineers seat
Kennedy and Jocelyn
The kids in front of the train
All of us by "daddy's train"

1 comment:

Ivy & Mae said...

That has to be soo cool for your kids, Isaac & Matthew would be NUTS if their dad drove a train!

my email is: since you are going private :)