Sunday, July 5, 2009

U.T.U. Family Days

Cris is a member of the U.T.U. (United Transportation Union) at work. They did a big party for the members and their families. It was a few weekends ago, and was a lot of fun!! They reserved the pool for both days, had a dunk tank, cotton candy machine, popcorn, jump houses, food, and lots of fun. They also did raffles. In the raffles we won, a DVD up convert player(it up grades your DVD's to HD while watching them), a MP3 player, and a scooter. We ate there both days, and I loved it cause I didn't have to cook. 
Jocelyn trying to dunk Kennedy.
She missed so Cris helped her out. 
Kadens turn in the dunk tank.
Jocelyn enjoying the cotton candy, and sun!!!
Cole at the pool.
We had so much fun, and hope that they do it again next year.

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