Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Summary of our Week

Lat week just flew by!! We didn't do much.
The kids brought home their report cards.
KADEN got one B and the rest were A's. He also starts Basketball today, he is to excited!!
KENNEDY is still struggling with her reading and has a C, but everything else were A's and B's.(Any suggestions to help her reading grade would be much appreciated!!) She had a fun and eventful weekend spent at her friend Kali's house. We didn't see her for 2 days!!! She even went sledding up in the mountains. After which I decided our kids are defiantly not Idaho kids. They have no snow pants, just thin gloves, and no hats. How sad is that. The poor girl said she froze but luckily they built a bon fire and had plenty of hot chocolate. Besides being cold she said she loved sledding. We defiantly want to take the kids, but we'll have to buy the gear first.
What else happened last week.
Well I only got to the gym once, I've decided to run another half marathon, it's the Disney land one, it's in Sept. We've decided to make a family vacation out of it and take the kids!!I'm so excited to take them to Disney Land, not to mention that I've never been. I'm starting a photography class at the local college, it's on day a week from 6-10 p.m. I can't wait to learn how to take better pictures!!
I've also decided to try and potty train COLE. Ha, we'll see if that lasts long. He screams at the toilet, but laughs at it too. It's amazing what he says on a daily basis!! He talks so good!!
CRIS got bumped from his job, and is now trying to hang on here in Winslow so he won't have to go to Gallup or travel far like several of our friends have. It hasn't been this bad in years!! :(
JOCELYN is still loving preschool, and has a blast the two days a week she goes. And she asks every day if she can have a friend come play. Man, that girl is social. :)
That's all that's going on right now!


Corie Green said...

Fun week! Yay for our class!!! I am so stoked! stinks about cris getting bumped! We are thinking of having a game night this weekend maybe Thursday, kids welcome, I will let ya know! :)

Corri Havlicek said...

What happened with Cris? Is he back to work?