Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time Flies When Your Having Fun,

Or at least when your busy. We have been on the run lately, and haven't stopped. Here's what's been happening.
Kennedy and Kaden have been doing lots of this
And this
We've been playing outside a lot
And eating to many of these while outside to cool off
And I've been taking lots of pictures of the kids!!!
And one picture of Kaden without his glasses, just because his glasses always have a glare. But this picture just doesn't look like him.
And Cris has been super busy with work.
We are all looking forward for school to be out and summer fun to begin. Maybe we will not be so busy and I can post more often.


thehaucks said...

LeAnn-- I'd love to run with you-- but I bet you run a lot faster than me!

{Alynn} said...

There are some amazing picts here! You are doing some really great stuff with your new "skilz" and fancy camera! Love the train, and the dandilion, and the super blonde hair in the sun, and... and... and..!!!

Corri Havlicek said...

It's amazing how much Jocelyn looks like you.

Criddle said...

I love your pics! They look so so so good!