Christmas this year was alot of fun!!! Before I get to all our festivities that went on I thought I'd tell alittle about a new family tradition with the Cziep family. Lat year after Christmas my brother Steven came to us all said instead of buying presents for each other lets pool that money together and use if for a family in need next year. I knew of a family that needed it this year so I was nominated to do it. All together we had about $220. Cris and I asked the mother and father if they needed the help and they humbly agreed. So one weekend Cris and I took them shopping while leaving the kids with a sitter. I really admire this family. It wasn't all about toys. They wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to get their kids some books, and then find them all a nice pair of winter gloves. They also got a few stocking stuffers. After all was said and done they still had some money to spend. We bought all the necessities to wrap, and also a birthday gift for one their children who was having a birthday the next day. Then what was left over i went in on a gift with a few other friends for the star tree at church. I received a card form them telling us that we had made their Christmas full of joy. I really loved doing this and I can't wait for the year when it's my turn to do it again.
Now on to our Christmas fun!!! On Christmas eve we had a party with a few friends who are also familyless and Crystal and Lance. We had yummy ham, turkey, and all the yummy stuff that goes with it!!! And you can't forget the goodies!!!! I think we had more goodies that we had healthy food. The kids all drew names and we did a gift exchange. It was alot of fun, but boy was I happy when everyone went home!!! Let's just say that after 15 kids running around, I was ready for bed!!!!!
Here is our living room after Santa came and before the wrapping paper exploded everywhere.
The kids walking in to see everything. I don't know who was more excited them or Cris. :)
All the loot!!!
Thanks to a wonderful idea form a friend, Santa made this craft kit for Kennedy, with lots of fun stuff inside including her very own glue gun, which she was so excited about.
The DS's Santa brought Kennedy and Kaden. Who in turn asked us how we knew to get them games to go with it. I think this may be their last believing year.

Books, books, books.
Books, books, books.
The tool chest for Cole and the Fruit and Snack stand for Jocelyn
Kaden's spy gear. Which is so cool. it has a camera and microphone so when you where the special glasses you can hear and see stuff in the next room.

A bunch of misc. stuff. Since the older two got game boys we figured Jocelyn needed something like it. We came across the leapster at Sam's the week before Christmas for only $50 with a game!!! The system alone sales at Wal-Mart for $70 or $80. She also got a dog that you can dress up, a new baby doll, a new bead spread, and some small stuff I can't remember. Kennedy got this really cool spa kit, you can make your own lip gloss, perfume, facial masks, and other stuff, a new bed spread, and a dog that you can dress up. Kaden got Indiana Jones Legos, and a Master Chief action figure that is about 20 inches tall, and a few other things. Cole got some clippos, a Star Wars play set, and new blanket, and some new cars. And you can't forget they all got some new clothes!!!

We had a fun Christmas and hope you did too!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!!
A bunch of misc. stuff. Since the older two got game boys we figured Jocelyn needed something like it. We came across the leapster at Sam's the week before Christmas for only $50 with a game!!! The system alone sales at Wal-Mart for $70 or $80. She also got a dog that you can dress up, a new baby doll, a new bead spread, and some small stuff I can't remember. Kennedy got this really cool spa kit, you can make your own lip gloss, perfume, facial masks, and other stuff, a new bed spread, and a dog that you can dress up. Kaden got Indiana Jones Legos, and a Master Chief action figure that is about 20 inches tall, and a few other things. Cole got some clippos, a Star Wars play set, and new blanket, and some new cars. And you can't forget they all got some new clothes!!!
We had a fun Christmas and hope you did too!!! Have a Happy New Year!!!!
Did your kids love their DS's? We did that last year and it has for sure been a good investment. Great for traveling. And when a birthday or Christmas comes and I have no clue what to get, I get a DS game!!!!
Looks like you had an awesome Christmas. The girls look so cute in their matching dresses. Fun, Fun!
I love Christmas posts. They are probably the funnest, lots of fun excited kids, cool toys and nice Christmas stories of service to boot.
SO MUCH FUN! Looks like everyone got good loot...what about you??? :)
Merry Christmas! Hunter noticed Cris's pj, Hunter got the same pair!
I need to know how much fun did you have with the Spa kit? Sydnie got one for her birthday, and after trying to do it herself, Dad threw it away... UGH!
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