Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sand and Sun Lake Powell Style

Cole and Jocelyn were our beach buddies. They loved playing on the beach, and the shallow water. Cole wouldn't even go near the end of the house boat, and the deep water. He would tell us "I can't touch!!!!"  I think he was scared because the life jacket really didn't hold him up. He would tip to the side, and swallow water. He did get a little braver towards the end, and would float on the big air mattresses as long as an adult was with him. 
Cole loved trying to splash anyone near him, thanks to Grandma for teaching it to him.
Jocelyn was always ready for a turn and the tube, or jet ski. Here she is showing off her life jacket.
Cole would make mud with the sand, and play with it for hours.
Boys, will be boys. Steven and Matthew made a sand castle. They were just like little kids working hard. And if you got to close, you better not touch it, you'd get in trouble. 
Kennedy hurried and sat on it when they weren't looking. 
Jocelyn got buried by her two Uncles. I have a similar picture if me when I was little, but I wasn't enjoying it, I was crying. They love to torture. 

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