Saturday, October 6, 2007

Our shopping trip

Yesterday my sister-in-law and I went to Flagstaff to do some shopping. We had quite the eventful day!! First off when we went to Target, Crystal went to grab us some carts so we wouldn't have to drag the kids into the store. All went well, until she accidentally locked her keys in the car, along with her 9 month old, and the diaper bag. OPPS!! I went in the store and got the police department number. ( they will unlock your car for free if there is a child in it.) So, she calls the number, and they send the fire department out. We were thinking they would send out a small emergency vehicle, but no we got the fire truck with the big ladder on it. It was a great picture opportunity, so I got out my cell, and took some pictures, but forgot to save them to my phone. I was bummed. The kids thought it was great, Boston thought that the truck was going to spray him, and Cole wasn't a big fan of the firefighters at first. Staisha was a trooper in the car and was just smiling, and playing with her bib.

We get done at Target, and head to some other stores, and all was great. Then we run into traffic getting to the mall. Once in the mall parking lot, the brakes on Crystal's car go out. We get into Sears, and she asked a automotive guy for some help. He says that their technician was almost off, and they couldn't help, but here is some brake fluid. So here we are at Sears two girls who know nothing about cars, with four kids all ages three and under. What are we to do? I get brave and ask a man in the Electronic section if he knows how to check brake fluid, and if he can help us out with our car. He kindly agrees and follows us out to the car, and checks the brake fluid. Its FULL!! Crystal drives the car around the parking lot, and the car if just fine. We both thought, " man, we waisted some good shopping time."

Not only did all this happen but Jocelyn, and Boston thought it was fun to go in every public bathroom they saw. I think we went into every stores "potty" some even twice!! We had alot of fun., and the babies were troopers. We already have our next trip planned! Hopefully we can go without kids next time though.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I was going to say you two were party poopers for skipping out on the Elders Quorum party that night, but now that I know all the details, we'll let you guys slide!