Saturday, October 13, 2007

Recalls, Recalls, Recalls!!

Wow! How many recalls are going to effect me and my children! Kennedy had a bunch of Polly Pockets that were on the first big recall. She was so sad to give them up. I still need to send them back. (Don't worry they are put up high away from reach) How do you explain to your child that their beloved toys are dangerous, and could hurt her baby brother really bad. Then I bought Cole some wooden blocks and put them away for Christmas. They were recalled because of led paint a couple of weeks ago. Led paint? I can't believe it. And now the Infant Cold medicines that they recalled!! Is nothing safe for my kids anymore! I'm very disappointed if you can't tell. I hope that all this passes soon and I can feel safe buying my children toys and medicine again.

1 comment:

The life of Jayne said...

I agree!! Even lipstick is getting recalled now. It makes me wonder what else.....I hope that it ends soon and the fix the problem!!!