Corri tagged me with this high school tag. It's such a small world, Corri and I both went to Rigby High only she went 6 years before. We both moved 600 miles away and met. She is such a great friend!!!
1. Did you date someone from your school? Yes, Would you like names? Mmm, lets see. First there was Adam Hall, it was a on again off again relationship from 8- to the beginning of 10 grade I think. oh, the immaturity of 14 and 15 year olds. I laugh at this all the time. I also dated Tyson Hansen, Went on a few dates with Randall(mmm can't think of his last name he was a year younger than me, and had a twin brother.) Randy Jeppson, and a few dates from random people who asked me out who I don't remember names to, maybe I should break out the year book, and dance pictures. I think they are around here somewhere. The best person I dated though was from one town over and is my wonderful hubby!!!!
2. What kind of car did you drive? I don't remember the year but it was a ford escort hatch back, that had duck tape around the back from letting aghast in instead of a seal. :) If you want to know how many people I could fit in it don't ask, it was way more than seat belts aloud.
3. What was your most embarrassing moment? I don't have one that I know of. If anyone can think of one for me go right ahead.
4.Were you a party animal? No, not really, I don't think so.
5. Were you considered a flirt? Cris would say yes, but what do all you think? Was I?
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I played the Flute up until my junior year. Can, I play it now, nope not at all. And me sing, ha, you should feel sorry for the primary kids and teachers who have to hear me every week.
7. Were you a nerd? Yes, and no, I got good grades if that's what this intells, although I could have done better.
8. Were you on any varsity teams? Track, and Cross Country. But come on, it doesn't take much to make those teams. :) That is where I first discovered my love for running. My favorite run was running the Menan Buttes(the north one.) Up it, down into it, back up and down and around. I think they actually do a 10k on it now every year.
9. Did you get suspended or expelled? No, I didn;t want to die at a young age. lol
. 10. Can you still sing the fight song? Ha, I don't think I ever knew it.
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mr. Ward he was a fun teacher, and made going to Germany between my junior and senior year fun!! Mr. Emfield was a awesome Government teacher too.
12. Where did you sit during lunch? I don't think I ever sat in the lunch room. I can't stand school cafeteria food!!! I was either in the halls, or out with friends at Broulim's Fiesta Ole', LaPizzaria, Subay, Artic Circle, so basically anywhere but school. :)
13. What was your school mascot? A Trojan. Ya great mascot huh. I remember being 13, of 14 and going to a state b-ball game, and the other team were throwing funny balloons at us, come to find out they wern't balloons. You figure it out. And hey, I was young and nieve.
14. Did you go to Homecoming? Every year after my 16th birthday, I went.
15. If you could go back would you? I'm not sure. I think it would be fun to go back and experience it all over again. Oh, to be young and have no troubles. :)
16. What do you remember most about graduation? I sat next to Kelly Crystal, he thanked me for letting him cheat off me in math. Because of me he passed. I also remember the after party, it was fun!!
17. Where did you go for your Senior Trip?Lagoon, in Utah. I think that everyone in Eastern Idaho goes there for their senior trip.(the school put up the bill) I think and consider the trip that my parents and Tanaes parents gave us to Germany was the best though!!! I will always remember all the fun that we had together right before we headed off to college, and grown up years!!!
18. Were you in any clubs? No, not that I remember
19. Have you gained weight since High School? I would love to say no, but come on I have four kids what do you think?
20. Who was your Prom date? Junior I think was Randal Jeppson, and Senior was my wonderful hubby Cris Moss we went to his and for mine(he couldn't afford both) I went with I think Ryan Barney.
21. Did you go to your 10 year class reunion? No, We already had our vacation planned and it didn't land on the same dates. I wish I could have gone, and seen all my friends I haven't seen in years. I'm horrible at keeping touch.
22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself? Mmm, be yourself. Don't try and fit into the mold that everyone creates. Have, fun and don't' steady date, there is more to life than having a boyfriend at all times. I think I had the funnest time when I dated Cris. Ya, we were steady but while living with his aunt, he couldn't date me two times in a row, so he got to date other people, and so did I.(but he did more than, I. I think he threatened the guys at my school. :))
Let's see I will now tag Megan McDaniel, and to make it more fun let's see what Steph and Corie thought of high school in good ol Winslow.