Friday, November 2, 2007

The E.R.

We had a little stay in the emergency room yesterday afternoon and evening. Cole wasn't breathing to his best ability. So Cris ran him to the doctors office, and they did a breathing treatment. It worked well, until they took it off him, and then he started breathing bad again. So they sent him to the E.R. They did three more treatments on him, and gave him some more steroids. I couldn't stand sitting at home, so I got a babysitter,( these are the times I wished we lived closer to family) and went to sit with him, and Cris. We were there from, 3:30, to 6:50. Luckily they didn't have to keep him overnight. We got home, and he is doing much better. He is finally wanting to wander around the house, and not be held all the time. This means I can get some much needed house work done. My house is a wreck, I can't get anything done with a sick child in my arms. I hope he gets better soon, so I can see my happy smiling boy once again.


The life of Jayne said...

Poor kid! I hope he gets feeling better soon! Its so sad when kids are sick!

Courtney Moss & Family said...

I'm so sorry, I wish I lived closer and I would have taken to kids:) hope he perks up soon, I know how your feeling!

Kristin and Jay said...

Holy cow how scary! It makes me want to cry just thinking of it. If I lived closer I would definitely help you out with your housework. No one wants to deal with that when you have a sick baby! I hope he gets better soon!

Rachel Holloway said...

Good luck! I sure hope he gets better soon. It is SO awful when the kids are sick, and then they seem to pass it all around to each other and it never leaves... :) WHEW! Will be thinking of you!

Stew and Traci said...

Hi guys this is stephanie's cousin and I hope you dont mind that I read your blog every now and then, but I wanted to comment on this...we have had a much similar scare with our second when she was not quite 18 months...she had gotten RSV and wasnt breathing well at all and it was one of the scariest things for us too. I still remember the worry, so I just wanted to give you guys our support and let you know that we hope all is going well with him. I cant believe how much your kids have grown!

Criddle said...

yeah, i wish i lived closer to family too