Sunday, January 27, 2008


Jocelyn had been quite the character lately. I just had to write down a few things she's said to me lately.
A few weeks ago I was in the bathroom fixing my hair. She walked in and out of the blue asked my when is her butt going to get big. I pondered a minute and asked her why does she think her butt will get big. She then replied," because your butt is big, and I want a big one like yours" I then told her that her butt will bet big when she's a mom like me and has had four kids. So didn't quite put it that way, but I did tell her it will get bigger as she gets bigger. Which will be a long ways away, since she hasn't grown a bit in the past year.
Then today as I was curling Kennedy's hair for church, she was watching. Kennedy said something about how blonde her hair is, and why did my hair change color from blonde to brown since I had blonde hair like hers when I was younger. I told her it just did as I got older. Then pipes in Jocelyn "When will your hair change to grey?" What the???? How would a three year old know that hair turns grey. I think it just got a grey hair today just by thinking about it. But then again my hair will never be grey cause I will color it.
Silly little girl!!


Corie Green said...

That is so funny! That girl is so cute. Ethan has been coming up with some good ones too! But nothing he has said tops Emma telling the twins to "shut the dan door!" Yeah she said dan but SHE thought she was cussing! Where do they get this stuff!?!?! lol

Katherine said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! I love little kids!