Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday's Workout

Today we woke up bright and early and headed out for our run around 5. We did 9.5 miles. It was a good run!!
I'm kind of frustrated cause I've gained 3 pounds. I never weigh myself we don't have a scale which is a good thing. I'm thinking it's muscle mass. Or maybe its the fact that I eat lots of cookies, candies, ice cream, and all that jazz, all after 8 p.m. (If I want to eat it in peace I wait till the kids go to bed. That's when my bowl of ice cream or candy bar tastes best cause I don't have four kids crowding around wanting some) So my new goal is to not eat past 8 p.m. I don't want to diet, just control my habits. I eat at night because Cris works at night sometimes and I eat out of boardem. I'm done with my little spill. And speaking about loosing the weight go to The Pony Tail Challenge she has a 1 pound weight lose and getting rid of old stuff challenge this week, and it's a prize challenge!!


Rachel Holloway said...

I totally have that same snack problem too--except that I am sure I have gained 30 pounds, not just 3!! :)

Janet said...

Way to go on the running. That is great!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya! My hubby travels a lot, and I always eat while he's gone. I don't run, but maybe mine's muscle mass too... : )

Michelle said...

That is Matt and I's snack time too. As soon as the kids are in bed out comes the good stuff! You are right snacks just taste better when there aren't 3 kids there begging for bites.

Perry Parents said...

I know how you feel. When I am bored it eat! It is my bad habit!
