Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I finally got my book yesterday. Yippee!!!! I was so jealous of all you girls who got to go to midnight parties and start reading the book. I ordered mine online to same myself a few bucks. It was suppose to arrive one Saturday but it didn't. I had to wait till yesterday. I'm half way done with it, and all I have to say so far is wow!! If i keep reading like I am, I'll be done tonight. My house my kids, my husband, and myself are getting neglected. :)


Criddle said...

Yay! your doing great! keep on reading. lol im hoping you are done by tonight so I can start reading it Hurry Up! Jk lol

Michelle said...

I can't wait to hear what you think of the book. I am dying to talk to some one about it!!

Janet said...

We wives and moms deserve to have 24 hours to ourselves with Edward and Jacob. :) Can't wait to see what you think.

Corie Green said...

I know I got my book saturday at 10 am and was finished by saturday at 11 pm! I cant wait to hear what you think!

Cziep Family said...

I guess I have been missing out! I must get start reading the 1st book... I am always a day late and a dollar short!

The life of Jayne said...

I will have to head to costco, and pick up the new book, DONT post about what happened in the book for at least 24hrs...:) :)