Rusty, isn't he the cutest little guy you have ever seen.
Sliding down the slide into the pool, on of my favorite summer past times. Jocelyn, Kaden, Kennedy, and Kaylee(on the swing)
The gang, Cole, Kennedy, Jocelyn, Kaden, Kaylee, and Jessie
One more picture of the cutie pie!!! I just couldn't resist.
End in tragedy.(or at least to a three year old, and our check book) I know what you're all thinking, no one got hurt!!! Thank goodness. The kids had a fun morning playing the back yard with our good friends Rich and Allison's kids, while Allison and I visited. They played for about a hour and half. Then fast forward five hours. Being the forgetful and not so smart person I am, I forgot to roll up the umbrella to our patio set. Can you imagine where this is going? Well, the wind decided to pick up around four. I was sitting in the living room when I her Jocelyn yelling, "No, my umbrella, no, my table." My heart sank and I ran into the back yard to see the table on it's side, chairs scattered around the yard, and the umbrella nowhere to be seen. Panic set in, where did the umbrella go, and after double checking the back yard, I ran out to the front. I looked to my right and then to my left. I spotted it lying in my neighbors front yard. I ran to it grabbed it and attempted to carry it back to my house. This was not a easy task, since the wind was still blowing and I couldn't get the dang thing to roll in. I finally got it rolled in and it's now sitting in the garage waiting for Cris to get home and look at it. Jocelyn is still hysterical at this point crying "my umbrella broke my table broke I can't sit outside any more." I then go outside to clean up the mess. It was quite the mess, glass was everywhere. I didn't get pictures of the mess but this in my garbage can after the clean up.
Here is "Jocelyn's" poor table and chairs, looking really lonely without the umbrella and glass.
It will probably cost $100 to get new glass, and we'll have to see if the umbrella is fixable, if not it will be another $100. Dang wind! You think that I'd remember to roll it up. After all we have had many trampoline incidences till we learned to tie it down.
On a side note, anyone know how to get glass out of the grass without picking it up one piece at a time?
TOTAL BUMMER! I hope you guys end up getting it fixed never know! :)
wow, that looks like it was a huge mess to clean up. Good thing none of your kids were by the table and got hurt. I loved looking at all the other posts. Your family is adorable and your vacation back to Idaho looks like a lot of fun.
Try a shop-vac, it might pick up the glass.
eeek grass in glass, no idea. what a big'ole mess. I hope the umbrella is at least ok!
Stinks! I'm so sorry, that was a great table. Jocelyn is too cute! Is that what they mean when they say girls can be dramatic? lol
Oh that does stink!! I want to get a set like that for our backyard! Looks like it was a fun day until that! :)
What a mess. I am so sorry but I'm glad it was something replaceable. When I first started reading your post I held my breath as I thought one of the kids got hurt. I am about done with the book. Wow is all I can say. Love the look of you blog. I need to change mine.
The wood chips from the kids play area are always blowing into the grass and I've found that a shopvac works pretty good. I'm not sure if it would work as well with glass, since it's heavier, but it might be worth a shot!
Who are you. We are thinking James Miller but aren't sure! If so it's nice of you to stop by and say hi. What have ya been up to?
If that comment is from James M., he left one on ours a long time ago- before I set it on private. James- it is only fair that we all get to spy on your blog too- so fess up & let us all know what you & Leslie are up to!
That is so sad! Especially how traumatized Jocelyn was! I hope you guys can get it fixed without too big of a dent in your pocketbook!
I am so glad you put a pick of Russel. he is so big and so cute. Tell Alison to get on the Blog Ball. I finally did and it gets people off your back.
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